You are more than welcome to contact us to make an appointment with one of our rental brokers. We will drop by on short notice so we can view the property and give you a realistic rental price advice. If necessary, our in-house photographer will come by as well and take pictures. You can reach us by phone (020 620 0813) or by email ( to schedule an appointment.
As a landlord you can rent out a property for any desired period. However, you need to take into account the municipal rules regarding vacation rentals and potential restrictions from a VVE (owner’s association). Offering a property for a period shorter than 3 months is in many cases not allowed.
According to the rules in Amsterdam, there is talk of house sharing when a house is inhabited by more than one household. The exact definition of a household is when a single person or two (adult) persons, with or without children, run or wish to run a common household. A house is therefore considered to be shared if 3 or more persons (not being parents with child(ren)) occupy a house together. If the dwelling is occupied by two persons (regardless of their mutual relationship or the absence thereof), this is considered normal habitation.
Recently, a maximum of 2 tenants are allowed to rent a house together if the landlord does not have a conversion permit. If you want to rent out your house to 3 or more tenants, we advise you to apply for the permit. If you do not do this, you risk a high fine.
Keep in mind, however, that after applying for the permit, you will have to rent out a room by mutual agreement, give each tenant an individual rental contract (from April 1, 2020) and a single room is guaranteed to have insufficient points to rent out in the free sector. This means that with room letting you will be bound by the points system. Therefore, tenants will be able to go to the rent assessment commission to have the rent reduced if you request too high a rent.
Sinds kort mogen nog maximaal 2 woningdelers samen een huis huren indien de verhuurder geen omzettingsgunning heeft. Wanneer u uw woning aan 3 of meer woningdelers wilt verhuren, raden wij u aan de vergunning aan te vragen. Wanneer u dit niet doet, riskeert u een hoge boete.
Houdt u er wel rekening mee, dat u, na het aanvragen van de vergunning, kamer gewijs moet gaan verhuren, iedere huurder een individueel huurcontract moet geven (vanaf 1 april 2020) en een losse kamer gegarandeerd onvoldoende punten heeft om in de vrij sector te verhuren. Dit houdt in dat u met kamerverhuur gebonden zult zijn aan het puntenstelsel en huurder naar de huurcommissie kunnen stappen om de huur te laten verlagen indien u een te hoge huur vraagt.
Every landlord runs the risk of damage while renting out his or her apartment. For example, there may be a leak, which can cause damage not only to your own house, but also to those of your neighbors. For this reason it is important that you are properly insured when you rent out your house. Therefore, please check your insurance’s terms and conditions in advance.
As an owner you are obliged to make sure that your house is insured against fire or damage from outside. This is called home insurance (“opstal verzekering” in Dutch). If you are a member of a VVE (owners association), this is arranged collectively. When this insurance includes a so-called "rental clause" (“verhuurbeding” in Dutch), the building insurance is also valid when you rent out your property. If you are not a member of a VVE, please read your insurance policy carefully and, if necessary, take out another insurance policy.
If the property you are renting out is furnished, it is important to take out an inventory insurance (“inventaris verzekering” in Dutch). Do not confuse this with a home insurance (“inboedelverzekering” in Dutch). The latter is usually not valid for rentals, as it is taken out in your own name. For this reason we advise you to take out an inventory insurance. This insurance is definitely valid for rentals.
Als eigenaar bent u verplicht ervoor te zorgen dat uw woning verzekerd is tegen brand of schade van buitenaf. Dit wordt een opstalverzekering genoemd. Indien u lid bent van een vereniging van Eigenaren, is dit collectief geregeld. Wanneer er in deze verzekering een zogenoemde “verhuurbeding” is opgenomen, is de opstalverzekering ook geldig wanneer u de woning verhuurt. Indien u geen lid bent van een VVE, lees dan uw verzekeringspolis goed door en sluit, indien nodig, een andere verzekering af.
Bij het gemeubileerd verhuren van een pand, is een inventaris verzekering van belang. Verwar deze niet met een inboedelverzekering. Laatstgenoemde is meestal niet geldig bij verhuur, omdat hij op eigen naam is afgesloten. Daarom adviseren wij u de verzekering om te zeten in een inventaris verzekering. Deze is wel geldig bij verhuur.
Grand Relocation uses four different models, with model A and model B being the most common:
Model A: rental agreement for an indefinite period of time;
This rental contract is most suitable when you plan to rent out the property for a longer period of time as the contract does not have a fixed end date. The tenant has full rental protection with this type of contract. It is possible to agree on an initial term of the contract (of at least one year or longer), in which the contract cannot be terminated by either party. After this initial fixed period, the term of contract is automatically converted into an indefinite period. From that moment on, the tenant has the right to terminate the contract at any time, with a notice period of one full calendar month (assuming that monthly payments are made). You, as lessor, can also terminate after the first term, but it is not easy to do so. You will have to give a good reason for terminating the contract (tenant does not pay, tenant causes nuisance, you urgently need the rented property for your own use, etc.).
Model B: the rental agreement for a fixed period (maximum duration of 2 years);
The second most used contract is the fixed term contract. In most cases this is a contract for 24 months (but can also be shorter). With this type of rental contract, the tenant has no rental protection and can, from the beginning of the contract, terminate the rent subject to the notice period (1 month). After the set period (24 months or shorter), the contract can be terminated by the landlord. Therefore, if the landlord so wishes, the tenant must leave at the end of the agreed rental period. This form of contract does not have to be terminated, but the landlord must inform the tenant in writing that the lease is temporary and the tenant must leave on the agreed date. We recommend sending this written notice by registered mail in time: between three months and one month before the end of the contract. If this notification is not sent, or is sent at the wrong time, the lease will automatically change into a Model A (lease for an indefinite period). This means that the tenant enjoys full rental protection and therefore no longer has to leave the property on the agreed date. If this is the case, he or she can still terminate the contract at any time, subject to the notice period (which is equivalent to one payment term, i.e. usually a full calendar month). With the model B contract, the only possibility to extend the contract is when the owner is willing to convert the contract into a contract for an indefinite period at the end of the agreed period. If this is not preferred, you will have to look for a new tenant.
The other two, but significantly less frequently used contracts, are:
Model C: the interim rental agreement (in which the landlord will occupy the property himself after the end of the term);
This rental agreement is suitable when you as a landlord are going to leave your home temporarily, but you are sure that you will move back into your home afterwards. The landlord has to timely terminate this rental agreement. If the agreement comes to an end and you, as the landlord, do not yet intend to move into the property yet, it is possible to extend the term of this contract by a certain period of time. If you would like to do so, you will have to inform the tenant of this in writing no later than two months before the end date of the contract. We advise you to inform the tenant in time and then to send this notification by registered mail (by mail and regular mail) to the tenant in order to officially ask for the tenant's consent. It is possible to repeat such extensions several times (within reasonable limits).
During the first period of this contract, neither party has the right to terminate the lease. Should this period be extended, the situation will change. However, the tenant has the right to terminate the lease at any time with due observance of the notice period (generally one whole calendar month). The landlord may terminate the rent, after the first fixed period, with a period of between three and six months.
Model D: rentals under the Empty Status Act (when a property is for sale).
The models discussed above all relate to the letting of self-contained housing. In addition, there are separate rental agreements for, among other things, a houseboat, a landlady agreement or a campus contract. These contain different regulations.
If you have any questions about these contract forms, you can always contact us by phone.
You are allowed to increase the rent once every 12 months. In most cases the rent increase is based on CPI (Consumer Price Index). Most landlords increase the rent on July 1st, but it is possible to deviate from these dates. The rent increase is calculated over the basic rent. Additional utility or service costs such as gas, water and electricity do not take part.
Curious how much you are allowed to increase the rent this year? The following site can help you: Note: fill in "all households" in option 1, and always use 2015 as base year.
For a clear overview of the responsibilities for both tenant and landlord, we refer you to the Small Repairs Decree (“Besluit Kleine Herstellingen” in Dutch). If you have any questions about this, you can always give us a call on 020 620 0813.
If, as a landlord, you believe you have good reason (for example, compelling private use) to terminate the lease, you can terminate the lease by means of a registered letter or a bailiff's writ. In this letter, the notice period should be observed and the ground for termination should be stated. The notice period for a lessor is at least three months. In addition, one month for each year that the tenant has lived in the leased property, with a maximum of six months in total.
At the end of the rental period, we plan a check out with you and the tenants. During this check out, we make a report. After this appointment, the check in report will be compared with the check out report. Based on this you can determine which part of the deposit you will return (see also the answer to question 9). After the landlord has given you the opportunity to deduct any costs for damage(s), the remainder of the deposit must be returned to the tenant. Although we advise you to return this deposit to the tenant as soon as possible, this must legally be done within 2 months after cancellation.
Determining the damage, and to what extent this may be charged to the renter, determines the final cost that can be deducted from the deposit. As a landlord, you are obliged to allow inspection of the costs incurred. In case of doubt, you can always count on the expert opinion of our rental staff.
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